Ceara´s most famous beach, Jericoacoara is one of the five top spot in the world for kite-surfing.
Actually, I would love to try it even though it seems to be a very expensive activity.
After having negociated the price of a ride from Camocim to this primitive place, I joined with a nice french couple from Guyana, Prune et Antoine. We all decided to settle down for a while in a "pousada" or hostel which offered Capoeira and yoga courses.
This place was just located in front of the beach. Needless to say that I was more than happy having found this little paradise.
Cool, c'est chouette la Capuera !
Tu sais, y a des spots de kit surf pas mal non plus chez nous. Pas besoin d'aller à l'aut'bout du monde !
Gros bisous.
PS : Anaïs a fait sa première rentrée scolaire ce matin, sans souci. Clarisse serait bien restée avec sa soeur dans la classe !
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